Tale of Malifaux Bloggers: March-April
Calm before the Storm
Well as I continue my #ToMB adventure I found that not only did Month 1 prove to myself I could still actually paint, it proved that I needed to stock up, especially on brushes and a few paints.
Now I thank everyone who has sent given me positive feedback about the Sabertooth Cerberus' tattoos, but I will tell you now, this may sound big headed maybe but, I can do better!
Also while painting "Red" I found I lacked paints in my collection I thought I had and then, while checking through the rest it occurred to me a lot of metallics had diminished by running out or drying up.
this wouldn't help with Month 2's additions of Metal Gamin.
So off to Element Games I went, thanks to both the awesome advice from them and others on twitter @elementgames_ (for their Twitter handle) also have an excellent lot of painting and modelling tutorials you can look at.
For the lazy amongst you this is a link!
Combined with a small amount of money and element crystals I had been saving, I bought some bits.
First thing in my shopping cart were some new brushes, a GW medium dry and Wash brush, both of these needed replacing as I had wrecked them. I'm used to these brushes and they are decent.
Maybe they aren't the "best on the market", but I thought I'd stick with what I know.
Well I say this, but the other brush I got was from Element Games own range. I'd heard a lot of good things from the people who had picked them up, so I grabbed the "Regiment" (basically a standard) brush and it's fantastic. Smooth, keeps it point, I like it!
Grabbed a brighter red, some of the new technical paints I hadn't tried and some metallics, couple of vallejo and an army painter one to match the "big purchase" a can of plate mail spray.
Finished off with the tufts I'd forgotten to grab with my basing bits box filler and a wash I'd run low on.
A little bit of basing
Now in an amazing fashion, I needed to grab some snow, GW now has hair like snow flock and it doesn't give the best results, unless you want hairy white bases.
I'd heard the GF9 stuff was decent and I aimed to stock up with that...
...but I hadn't.
What could I do snow with?
Now my normal way of doing snow is simply snow flock + pva mixed into a sludge, watered down a little and applied.
In a previous post I had some Dark Eldar with basing like this which I'm fairly pleased with.
Looking at Elements snow basing tutorial it seemed that Byron does basically the same, bar he was using something I did have:
Thanks Mum!
So I tweeted about the joy of this as I sat in my backgarden getting on with hobby.
A lot of good advice came back to me but unfortunately it was too late.
I say "unfortunately" but really I was fine, unless the Bicarbonate of Soda ages very differently to the snow flock I should be ok for a while.
After drybrushing the base up a couple of greys I added the mix to this guy and am quite happy.
It worked!
I also think it works well with his brighter palette as it helps him "pop" from the base.
Currently I think Red XIII is 100% done, but I can see adding that handy dandy poison ivy in the future.
If I do I will have to similar things to this:
Donkey Cojo has got himself a couple of tufts and something I ripped completely from Byron's tutorial is brushing some of the "sludge mix" across the top of the tufts to let them catch some snow.
I did this a bit more with the guys I previewed in Friday's post.
You will looking at these that in some places the snow may need another layer, I sometimes like adding an even more watered down layer to create a melted look.
The Metal Gamin will want a bit more of this as in their core, their essence is the soul of creation the burning power of a steam engine.
These guys paint wise were all fairly simple and were a nice fast distraction.
As well as a lot of my Ramos crew bits these guys were sprayed with the plate mail metal after a black undercoat.
I decided that I wouldn't be able to tie these guys into a video game theme like the Claw and Fang pieces without them maybe looking silly.
I did paint the larger Gamin over with alot of Bronze and Gold to make his colour pallette more like "Robo" from the fantastic Chrono Trigger.
Don't worry all you video game nerds shaking your monitors, shouting about all the robots that are in video games. I do plan, though not part of #ToMB to hint at things with almost all my Arcanists.
This means I have plans.
The next stage was heavy washes and a few plays around with the GW verdigris and what I was using as oil leak paint.
Both are decent, I have also seen the Corrosion paint been used with it's partner the rust and it's decent.
For those who don't want to learn to do Verdigris it is a quick and easy method and it does have the added benefit of being a mix in a pot which means you can match easier.
These guys aren't completely finished.
They need some fiery glows from their vents, that extra bit of snow and maybe a touch of metal highlights.
Overall though, these guys are happily tabletop right now and like Cojo who needs his tie and maybe a barrel, I can happily field them as "done".
Thanks Again
Don't forget to check out Element Games and Malifools
Catch me on twitter with any questions about #ToMB or anything else.
Currently I'm rounding up any of you who are going to #MCC and want to be on #SimeTime
@barnaberible has made a good claim to one of the 3 slots.
Gotta love MS Paint!
Also please, please, don't forget to get those #MFXTOP entries done for April's "Minions" category where you have until the end of April to get 2-4 minions painted up (more details in the previous blog post).
Remember just tweet them to @TheMalibros or @psientologist with the hashtag saying that they are done and are your entry.
Thanks again for reading. Next #ToMB update may be a more gaming one as I have had at least 2 more since (including my first loss).
-Ben (@psientologist) [Listening to the soundtrack from Hotline Miami]