
#MFXTOP July Voting

Time to pick

This is a page of all the finals entries with the names of the entrant in one place.
Please have a good look over them all and then click the link to the poll at the bottom.

You don't have to have entered or do anything special to vote, just click that link, you get one vote, so use it wisely!

So in alphabetical order (by twitter handle):





















#MFXTOP July Weeks 4 & 5

Average on 2D6

Week 4 & 5 Entries

Pew pew, here is a Gunsmith in from
@Rythos42 from across the pond.
I'll forgo the Canadian stereotypes and just say, love this model.
Really fond of orange and grey as a combo.

It's @thatdarnsatan
Again another man from across the pond, this time with Santiago.
Great work as usual from John, love how he's based.
Personally love the skin tone and the transitions in cloth are great.

Last entry for this month and it is fantastic.
Everyone's favourite @malifool it's him...
Conrad (@nepalese_ninja).
The skin, the blood, the clothes, so much character, there is nothing I dislike here.

September's Curse

Please, don't forget there is a tournament run by Aaron Bailey and that I helped orchestrate going on at the very end of August (31st) so go sign up for September's Curse here

It's down my end of the country in Christchurch we have a reserve list also, so post your interest on the Wyrd boards or just tweet me or @forestreveries

We have support from a few sponsors, with special thanks to Element Games
As well as this we have fantastic trophies on the way and some more special bits.

All that if Malifaux wasn't enough for you.


-Ben (@psientologist)



Hello everybody it's me, that Ben Sime guy.

You may or may not be aware that this blog is meant to be (a self enforced rule admittedly) updated twice a week.
Tuesdays is the #MFXTOP day where I update you all with any changes and any entries leading to the final.
Yes, basically I post other's photos and make some silly comments.

Then Fridays are where I put up my articles.
#ToMB "volumes" which are a little behind but in two distinct flavours, "2 for 1" where either I or some lovely guest writer from the community gives you the reader the advice you need for diving into those giant pools of text called the wave 2 files without drowning and using your wave 1 master to keep you afloat to shore.

Also I've wrote about Little Things, which hasn't yet included my genitalia, tactics, ideas and quite recently a tournament report which by far for me was the most interesting thing to write if very taxing.

Here lies the small issue of why there is no real update and you are getting to read this series of words for practically no personal gain, inspiration and quite likely no entertainment.

MCC just happened, you may've been there, you may have had no chance to go, you may have been on twitter realising the malifaux community was quite quiet for a weekend.
Podcasts will be coming out of the internets and into your ear holes with peoples stories very soon and also some people have already started to blog about their highlights.
That lovely Dave Chandler for example.

Still, 10,000 words I wrote for a one-dayer. MCC was practically three.
Between getting headaches and sweating due to the heat I am writing the report, which will be in far more digestible parts than the 30k+ words it may turn into, but nothing is quite ready just yet.

Next Tuesday is this month's #MFXTOP finale, the lovely Element Games are still backing it meaning there will be two codes given away the following Friday when hopefully you, yes you, have made your vote and helped determine the winner and/or best newcomer.

With that week gap though I should easily have most of my report ready for you to hopefully enjoy.

If you have any questions about the blog, ideas for future #MFXTOP themes or photos for me to use in my MCC report, tweet me, email me, call me(?), simply contact me and that will be fantastic.



August 31st (it had to get moved back a week OK?) Aaron Bailey and I (sort of) are running a Malifaux tournament down here in the beautiful sunny south.

We sold our initial 20 spaces but are aiming for the rankings magic number of 28, so please get your ticket.

Coming down the Saturday evening before the event will also be fantastic as we will playing board games, socialising, hanging out and hopefully going for a meal.

Element Games have already sponsored us with prizes, added to the pile of spot prizes we will be giving away and the fantastic trophies we have on order and possibly more it will definitely be worth the trip.

So click here if you are even remotely interested and have a very lovely day/evening/weekend/period of time.


-Ben (@psientologist)


#ToMB Claw & Fang Vol.12

Filling Out the Numbers

Month 4 spending.

After the last couple of volumes of Claw & Fang, I did a breakdown of all the strategies and schemes to see where my crew was at it's weakest.

Even with the early addition of the Metal Gamin, the biggest issue that came up time and time again was the fact that the crew was severely lacking in the numbers department.
It meant that bigger more aggressive models in my crew were having to use their AP to just walk into specific areas of the field or objective marking which something cheaper could do just as easily.

Metal Gamin are great, I love the little guys and they definitely do a fine job of the defensive style of scheme grabbing and holding.
In a game of Squatter's Rights, Reconnoitre and especially Stake a claim however, they lacked the important aspect of speed.
With Squatter's this isn't always the issue, being able to come up after someone has gone ahead and done the job is fine. Recon means that they however can usually only hold the deployment quarters, sometimes this is fine but it would be much nicer to be able to fling them into wherever the numbers need to be.
Stake a Claim to me, is just hard work, I'm not too sure what cheap models can do this, but it definitely puts Silurids on the map.

The top units that came up were Molemen and Silurids.
This made me also consider Night Terrors and even Gupps.

Now with the news that Molemen will be in plastic very soon, they would've been the choice but will be held back for month 5.
Also in a sense I think they are so obvious a choice that I want to try something a little different.

Silurids are still a priority but right now I want a cheaper soulstone cost minion.

This meant that Night Terrors were my choice, now I admit they aren't the best as Insignificant  means they cannot place markers, but at 3ss and the added benefit of some possibly anti-shooting they seem like a solid choice.

Gupps are great but more costly and also really need masks and my crew suffers that already I feel.

Wk 6 and Incorporeal, Night Terrors can get to wherever they need to be, Malifaux Raptors might be quicker, but they are Peons and also not as hard to budge.
Night Terrors are only Df3 but Hard to Kill with the Incorporeal means they are actually a big nuisance.

A pair of them will easily be enough for now, this also means that I will have extra cash going into Month 5, some of which is reserved for the inevitable Molemen purchase but the rest can fill any new whacky ideas

Four months of spending looks like this then:

Claw and Fang - $50
Metal Gamin - $21
Dawn Serpent - $15
Rogue Necromancy - $15
Night Terrors - $15
Total Spent - $116
Money remaining - $19

Nice $44 next month will give me lots of room, Molemen should be $18 so I will have $26 left after which will be easily enough for any other box. More thinking soon then I think.

Buying these IRL saying $135 is £80, spending money at Element Games this will all add up to:

Claw and Fang - £28.89
Metal Gamin - £11.90
Dawn Serpent - £9
Rogue Necromancy - £8.49
Night Terrors - £9.35
Total Spent - £67.63
Money remaining - £12.37

So with the Night Terrors built, it was time to play a game.

Month 4's First Game

Again I was against regular opponents and the organiser of "September's Curse" @forestreveries.

Using the fantastic @malifauxschemes iPhone app we got the following pool:

  • Reconnoiter
  • Line in the Sand
  • Bodyguard
  • Breakthrough
  • Plant Evidence
  • Spring the Trap
  • Corner Deployment

Seems as this would be the perfect test for the new addition of the Night Terrors.
Aaron had selected Guild and I knew he'd been having a lot of fun with Lucius lately.

I chose the following:

Marcus -- 6 Pool
 +Arcane Reservoir [2]
 +The Trail of the Gods [1]

Dawn Serpent [10]
Metal Gamin [4]
Myranda [8]
 +Imbued Energies [1]
Night Terror [3]
Night Terror [3]
Razorspine Rattler [7]
Sabertooth Cerberus [9]

The two Night Terrors would be my quarter claimers/equalisers.
The Metal Gamin would hold back in the deployment quarter, I expected undisturbed.
Myanda is just fantastic, fast and is essentially a second Cerberus, also combined with the Dawn Serpent, the two of them can potentially hold a lot of ground.
The Sabertooth is still one of the better models to put scheme markers down and is genuinely quite scary, threatening lots of different things such as Spring the Trap or just death.
Lastly the Razorspine Rattler, potentially was going to just be 2 metal gamin but I felt 8 activations was enough and fighting against a potential gunline I knew that Marcus may have to go full "beast mode" and try and tank the crew.

Upgrade wise, Arcane Reservoir comes out every game I play, Imbued Energies should just come with Myranda and Wk8 Marcus is the best.
I could've given more, but I couldn't see which upgrades would be better in this game over the stones and I left it at that.

Aaron's crew was something like:

Lucius -- 4 Pool
 +Secret Assets [2]
 +Vengeance Bullet [1]

Captain Dashel [9]
Guard Sergeant [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Guard [4]
Guild Guard [4]
Guild Hound [3]
Guild Hound [3]
Guild Pathfinder [6]

All those guns. I was a little worried as unlike a lot of Arcanist crews Marcus and beasts are fairly susceptible to shooting, especially a crew that has a good chance of ignoring cover in one way or another.

The Pathfinder was a good shout in Recon, to be fair it seems to be good end of story, but with Recon in particular along with corner deployment, it allowed Aaron to make camp elsewhere before the game had even started.

Looking at schemes I could see Aaron taking any of the scheme marker based ones as to my knowledge the crew has a lot of manipulation on that side of things.
Bodyguard was always a possibility too, but I wasn't entirely sure he would want to risk it.

I sure as hell didn't want to risk bodyguard, especially with no good targets.
The way the terrain was Line in the Sand seemed like it could prove difficult and I was quickly realising that my best bet in the game was to rush Aaron's crew.

Alpha tricks were not going to be a priority especially with him out-activating me, I needed Marcus to get stuck in.
If my crew wasn't aiming to claim a quarter, it was going to try and hold Aaron's in place.
Knowing this were the plan, I chose and declared both Plant Evidence (which I could do some of on the way) and Breakthrough. Expectin Lucius to be too far back for Spring the trap I left that at home, also all in all I believe the other marker placement schemes are simply a lot easier.

Malifaux is not all about killing, but I knew if I aimed to survive without taking out a few of the Guild, I would be done for, their critical strikes and other nonsense would easily take my beasts down like a hunter firing on elephant.

Aaron kept a scheme secret and declared his own Plant Evidence.

Deployment was fairly simple, I had some leaping and flappy things standing on top of buildings, the metal gamin to the back and the mostly everything as far forwards as possible.
Aaron had guard together inside of auras for all the positive flip and focus shenanigans and his pathfinder in a separate quarter by his back edge of the table.

Early game

Straight in, we saw me do exactly as I planned, the Cerberus leapt towards the middle and double walked behind cover on my left flank. Myranda and the RSR started heading towards the Pathfinder sticking to any cover they could on the way.
At this point the little gamin slowly crept along my right side of the table and everything else ran pretty much, directly into the centre.
This included Marcus using his activation to move 24" forwards.
It felt very wrong to do this, I thought maybe I should hang back, maybe I should use a Night Terror for Defend Me, but really I felt time is of the essence and Marcus could afford to take a few hits from the end of Aaron's activation.

Aaron sent his troop of guardsmen towards the direction of the Cerberus with Dashel hanging back with Lucius and the two Austringers which I suspected would probably not bother moving.

The pair of dogs went towards the Pathfinder who made a trap and moved on.

Birds attacked the Cerberus early as it's position and Leap ability posed a threat to Lucius himself, a few shots here and there nicked at Marcus' body and it was on to the second turn.


The Cerberus already basically dead from the Austringer's onslaught had the choice of trying to tear some guild guard flesh, but in such a prime position by the rock he was stood by laying down some early schemes felt relevant.
With an interact, leap, interact, he was done, later to be put down by Lucius Guild cronies.

During the turn the Dawn Serpent took a step out of Marcus' turn one playbook and sent itself straight into the pile of Guild guard, position wise they had barely any room to escape and the Serpent was not only plugging a hole in Lucius' line but also was close enough to Marcus to shield him be it come to that.

Myranda and her slithery friend carried on their route towards the pathfinder to stop Aaron from claiming a VP for Recon.
The metal gamin held the home quarter, this would later prove to not be as helpful as it first seemed and digging in with the double defensive was a waste of time, the little construct should've got into a position where it had more options later. 

Myranda transforming into a fresh Sabertooth got stuck into the Pathfinder, but without the Tomes, the mauling did not happen.

It was around this turn, or maybe even the first that a Hidden Sniper fired it's Vengeance Bullet into Marcus, now shielded by the Dawn Serpent the Hidden Sniper fired at a different target.
As expected, Lucius was not looking to get his hands dirty. He stood himself in a commanding position however as he was looking to teach his guardsman How to Slay a Dragon.

Marcus held on, a few soulstones keeping him on his feet as Dashel appeared from cover, thinking about a charge but deciding due to distance that he would attempt to put a bullet in the Beast master's head.

Marcus, smelt blood, he knew that he was able to jump in and tear the Captain apart but seeing his dragon needing aid he called upon his Alpha power to control it's mind and tear apart some guard.
However, the guard had been taught well, only suffering one blow from the Serpent. The guard was not dead, but due to Venomous fangs which bit him, he soon would be.

Leaving the Dawn Serpent's mind, Marcus decided if he couldn't charge the Captain, he would atleast engage his, using his Hare form, he jumped straight into the face of Dashel.

Taking Myranda (now a Cerberus) lead, the Razorspine used it's faster movement of Slither to attempt the killing blow on the Pathfinder. The Pathfinder though had obviously spent a lot of time in the wilds, again not being bested by the beasts and standing his ground.

At the end of the turn the Arcanists still had a Night Terror in the centre of the field which was able to decide where the points would be scored.
The other had already gone into the only unclaimed quarter, passing time to allow the Beast force to study the soldiers movements, one of which, out of the reach of the Dawn Serpent decided to join the bat like monster.

The pathfinder's quarter included himself and 2 hounds against Myranda and the Razorspine.
The Guild deployment quarter had far too many models to stop.
The Arcanist deployment had the Metal Gamin.
If the Metal Gamin had moved forward rather than hold the line or the other Terror had decided to aid Myranda, the game would've been different here.
Instead the last Night Terror had a choice, allow us both to score a VP or neither of us.

With the Pathfinder in such a bad position, the Night Terror decided it would go help the transformed Myranda and Dawn Serpent, making the game currently a no-score draw.

The Night Terror going to the Pathfinder did mean that there would be a greater chance that the big cat could take out the two dogs and pick of the Pathfinder who was already greatly wounded, but would this really work out?

Late game

With the influence of Lucius and the Sergeant's commands, the guild guard, with a maniacal laugh spewing poison from his lungs crippled the Dawn Serpent with a tearing crimson strike.

Marcus, now desperate but unable to fill himself with the power of more than one animal filled himself with the Strength of the Bear hugging and squeezing Dashel into a bloody pulp.
Now staring down the Guild Austringers, prized and ready, Marcus could see images of his life flashing before his eyes.
He knew however, that he was where he was for a reason. Without the power in his heart of more Beasts, he felt unable to fight more of Lucius' goons and instead used the opportunity to plant a scheme of his own.

Over across the field the dogs ran in to fight the cat like so many childrens books, however this was no little kitty and the big, red, three-headed feline tore into both the hounds as if they were simply chew toys.

The Pathfinder being on it's last legs then took a buffet of bat wings, but managed to dodge his way out of any harm and, feeling that his situation was quite dire, constructed another trap to hopefully ensnare the Razorspine.

However that was not it, with the assist of his clockwork trap, the Pathfinder unsheathed his knife and skinned the Cerberus.

The Razorspine, now desperate to rid this world of the Pathfinder and aid his master took two lashes at the guardsman. The pathfinder though with the supplies he had scavenged had easily enough tools to defend himself and remained a staying power.

The Metal Gamin also feeling the cries of death across the field decided to start to move, this would prove too little too late however.

With the Dawn Serpent dead, the minions of Lucius moved on, now aiming to start planting their evidence and deciding to take aim at the lonely Night Terror too.
A large burst of lead drastically wounded the bat-like form incorporeal creature, but it wasn't going down that easily as it proved a lot more Hard to Kill than the guardsman expected of a beast it's size.

In the twilight hours, Marcus was bested, still hurting from that vengeance bullet the Austringers took him down.
In the wake of Marcus defeat the Guild Sergeant revealed that he had been Lucius' Bodyguard all along, reveling in the fact that his men had overcome all odds.

Now fighting two guardsman, the lonely Night Terror's time had also come to an end.

Across the field, a small victory as the Pathfinder eventually was bested, but with the Cerberus' scalps claimed before his demise, the Razorspine did not have the time to press the crews schemes more and the Guild started to clear up from what the beasts had done earlier on.

In the end, it was a huge victory that Lucius would be proud of.

Round up

The game against Aaron all though ending in a huge defeat (might've been 9-1 to him) actually felt really close.
In an actually fairly frustrating way the game actually felt in my favour for the first half of the game, however the inability for a Cerberus and Razorspine to be able to kill a Pathfinder over multiple turns (the first of which was against no control hand) did not help.
A timely Red Joker from a guard against the Dawn Serpent who was also inept even with his Ml7 didn't help and one of the biggest irritations, even with using soulstones for cards and having a starting hand of 7, I never once started with Tomes to allow Marcus to fully "tank up".

Though however frustrating the loss may've been in terms of luck, I am not one that wants to concentrate too much on that.

What did I do wrong?

Well with trying to gain some advantages with activation order and make Aaron move first in the combat situations, I didn't always spend the correct time figuring where to put the smaller minions.
In a sense my decisions were fine, but the main mistake made was assumptions.
Assuming the double big beast combo and then the help of the Terror would be enough to stop the Pathfinder wasn't right, I should've had a plan B or even C.

The Metal Gamin especially holding the edge of the table was incorrect, even it had moved towards Aaron's lines it would still be out of a lot of things ranges, not be much of a threat and also doesn't die in a single shot anyway.

It also arguable that the original Cerberus and Myranda should've swapped the way they went.
Against the Pathfinder I would've most likely had an extra attack against him early and more importantly Myranda's healing ability and defensive aura would've proved useful in aiding both the Dawn Serpent and Marcus.
As previously mentioned in this series, healing plus Hard to Kill is a great annoyance, simply keeping the dragon at 2+ wounds takes so much AP away from the enemy.

The other thing was in the early turns I could've kept Marcus back with the Serpent for some Alpha and shooting shenanigans.
This however I am not entirely sure was correct.
Without photos of the table at hand it is not the best thing to describe but moving in meant that I had almost entirely plugged Aaron into a corner, this was how that even though I was totally outnumbered I had been in a position to go 1-0 up in Reconnoiter.

The other thing was that holding back kept me in the centre and meant that actually, Aaron could do to me what I had done to him and hold me in a non-scoring zone.
Also at the end of the day the blasts weren't going to get a huge amount of models and the Fangs deal more damage than Breathe Fire on average.


Molemen mate! Moles that are men innit!
Seriously though, this game, this scheme pool especially was a prime example of where Molemen would've been pretty brilliant.

The Razorspine and Slither is nice and all, but it did feel a little weak, some bias I admit because it couldn't finish the Pathfinder off when it "should have".
My crew though I did think about 2 more gamin over it, they're too slow, this though is where Molemen would've been the one's to go in.
Increase my activations, tag each other along for speed and actually, make Line in the Sand that much more viable.

On reflection I have also realised how much better a Blessed of December would actually be other the Cerberus, which when we think that I was in no way disappointed with the Sabertooth(s) performance all I am doing is making some upgrades.

For the same cost the Blessed is +1Df and Hard to Wound, it lacks the wound count the big cat has but avoiding hits and bigger damage, especially when only taking pot shots, the Blessed seems to be on paper a tougher thing to take down.
The melee attack is lower damage and against this Guild crew in particular it the Blessed wouldn't get the opportunity to Go for the Throat still however, it's Ml7 so it should hit and the Eat you Fill ability means that after a big fight this beast of December does a better job of getting into the late game.
Lastly, this wasn't a game where it was a problem for a change, but no Mask needed for Leap, yes please!

The other model that came to mind again was the Shikome. It's a little bit more costly than the Rattler but is more reliably quicker, Hard to Wound is maybe worth the Wd and Df drop and in combat is far more deadly as well as making the Night Terrors a little better (though it's not that relevant).

Comparing the Rattler and Shikome though isn't actually thinking about the Shikome at it's best, not forgetting that both the Razorspine Rattler and Dawn Serpent as well as Myranda can hand out Poison the Shikome will able to charge as a single action.
That's not bad at all and is a strange sub theme to unlock in the crew.

High Five

With the fifth month on the horizon these thoughts of extra models is quite exciting.

Also remember, Marcus does not have to only take Beasts as proven by the addition of Metal Gamin, but from here on out I will aim to keep it beastly, with models from all across Malifaux as this is definitely the most interesting and appealing angle that Marcus and the Claw & Fang bring to the game.

That's it for this volume, cut short due to #MCC but up early because of it too.

-Ben (@Psientologist)


#MFXTOP July Weeks 1-3

Get Lucky

Week 1-3 Entries

First of we got a very early entry from
@Elessarion30 with the ever creepy Baby Kade.
Really like the skin tone Eless has gone for on this.

It's the return of @archonMoonson
This time with a awesomely painted cool conversion
of a Convict Gunslinger. Gotta love those stripes.

Ten Thunders have a lot of choice at 7 and this
lovely and vibrant Archer was entered by @docbungle.
Very tidy, lovely colours, nice basing.

@zacgoldenhall is simply a mainstay of #MFXTOP
The second Kade, this time the new plastic is just as creepy as Eless'.
Didn't realise how much the teddy has shrunk, but the unintended Toy Story reference is great.

@LemonConstruct is also a mainstay.
Painting tons of stuff to raise money to #WAAC.
Chris had done this nifty Freikorps Librarian.

Another regular @Therril_83 with some 10T
or maybe Neverborn action with this scary Illuminated.
Nice bold colours, a model which will stand out well on the field.

To finish we have our defending champion.
@BigBoyBucky has unsurprisingly come in with a fantastic entry.
A very decayed Punk Zombie with a pair of bloody Katanas.


This weekend is one of the year's biggest Malifaux events ran by the fantastic @oldmanmyke and friends.
Being on @malifools I kind of had to go, but I am so very glad I am.
Even if you aren't one of the people who will be there, be sure to check out the goings on via twitter and the Wyrd forum thread, check out the insane things that will happen.

Also I'm a captain so it's time for the:

This is a polite heads up that there may be no blog on Friday, perhaps though I will either have a new volume of one of the #ToMBs or I may do a post about MCC prep and thoughts before going in.

One thing which is practically guaranteed, if you enjoyed my Canterfaux report I will endeavour to make sure I do one for MCC, it'll probably be in multiple parts.

Plus don't forget if you fancy coming to a tournament run by Aaron Bailey and that I helped orchestrate then sign up for September's Curse here
Space have been increased to the magic 28.
It's down my end of the country in Christchurch on August 31st (with some festivities the night before), we have a reserve list too, so post your interest on the Wyrd boards or just tweet me or @forestreveries


-Ben (@psientologist)


#ToMB Dark Debts Vol.3

Catching up

Month 3

Carrying on from volume 2, we had the following shopping list using the month 1 bumper of $60 and month 2's first $25 installment:

Dark Debts - $40
Giant Weasels - $18
Beckoners - $16
Mr Tannen - $11
Total Spent - $85
Money remaining - $0 

Nothing to drag over to this month ideally I don't want to spend all the money so I can make some future plans.

Now Mr Graves was the obvious choice as month 2 I got myself Mr Tannen, more on that guy later.
The other thought was the Depleted, some cheaper models that also can tie into the Brilliance sub theme the crew has.

So why would I want Mr Graves? His melee attack has a built in trigger which aids Tannen, helping throw his only real protection back up if he has activated and allowing him to be Manipulative once more, this melee attack itself hits very hard Ml6 with weak damage of 3 is very handy and it's other trigger Crushing Strike takes each ram and adds positive damage meaning if need be Graves can smash 6 damage into the enemies face fairly easily.

The other thing Mr Graves unlocks is Tannen's built in attack trigger which has Graves be able to push 5" towards the targeted enemy.
A nice combo with Tannen still keeping back and casting from 10" and giving Graves some extra speed which is simply a very handy thing for a guy who wants to be in the middle of the fight.

Graves also can push things about, the enemy (which he can get a trigger to then hit) and even his own crew, only once a turn, but that is nice enough if I consider I've already got the Kamaitachi to do the same.

Graves and pushes, Super Weasel and pushes and the Beckoners Lure can create a fairly controlling crew.

The Depleted however are also back on the radar.
They're only 4 soulstones, they can hand out Brilliance, are quite quick due to a (0) action push and for their cost are resilient.
As I said last volume:

"The guys are tar pits, with both Hard to Wound and Hard to Kill and 8wds they have some staying power.
They need it at Df3 which is really poor but they actually want to die, at least amongst the enemy.
Consumed which is on the front of their card means, when they die, they pop, not only dishing out 2 damage to everything (not just enemies) with 2" but also Brilliance."

Their a cheap minion which deserves attention and are hard to disengage from.
This means the enemy will kill them, possibly getting hurt and allowing some Brilliance tricks, but also, more importantly, sucking up what is probably much more valuable AP from your opponent.

As stated before these nice little packages are Insignificant but they are not Peons, they can still help outnumber in Recon and Turf War, plus still do a good job of guarding a flipped Squat marker.
Reckoning and Stake a Claim they will stay in the case.

4 soulstones is so cheap and in the end, this is what has pushed me to pick The Depleted.
Currently the minions are 7 stones, the totem and Tannen come in at 4 and 6 but overall leaving me realistically only fitting other minions in and I tend to want more than that in some Strategies, especially Reconnoiter.

Also, though Mr Graves will definitely be added one day, I am happy with Mr Tannen's role right now and Graves can hit stuff but the Illuminated do a fine job for now.
Still only time will tell if that decision is right.

Dark Debts - $40
Giant Weasels - $18
Beckoners - $16
Mr Tannen - $11
The Depleted - £21
Total Spent - $106
Money remaining - $4

$4 spare is not the biggest amount but $29 next month gives more leeway or at least I can move the savings on to a larger purchase down the line.

Off to Element Games and a GBP translation of the spending (assuming 110USD is £64.50):

Dark Debts from Element Games - £22.10
Giant Weasels from Otherworld miniatures - £11
Beckoners from Element Games - £9.34
Mr Tannen from Element Games - £6.38
The Depleted from Element Games - £11.90
Total Spent- £60.72
Money remaining - £3.78

Two in Review

Let's have a chat

While discussing what I had decided to buy for Month 3 I mentioned one purchase from the previous month in particular quite a bit, good old creepy Mr Tannen.

Tannen was a fantastic purchase for me and you may have heard me discuss him a little on some @malifools episodes as well as saying it was in my top 3 Wave 2 models when on Isle of Faux Records (@IsleofFauxRecs) hosted by Ben Crowe@jondoe297b) and Austin Capewell (@Oathius).

6 soulstones is a bargain for him, being an Enforcer he can hold an upgrade which means, if needed I can Recalled Training or something that gets discarded to have the Kamaitachi push and heal him.
Recalled Training is always a go to as it so cheap and usually better than a soulstone in pool, usually.

The main reason Tannen is so great is that Chatty is a dominating ability.
Stopping interacts is incredibly big, both Distract and Cursed Object the enemy need to interact directly with your crew, if Tannen is near by, he stops this.
Your opponent Delivering a message, not if Tannen is about.
Breakthrough, Tannen stayed home, sorry.

Plant Explosives, Spring the Trap, these especially in Turf War are also easy for Chatty to stop.
Helping stop Plant Evidence, Power Ritual, Protect Territory and Line in the Sand is also great along with both the Stake a Claim and Squatter's Rights Strategies.

That was a lot of listing sure, but you can see how much far blocking interacts reach.

Mr Tannen does have to do a 1 action to raise the Chatty bubble but there isn't much else Tannen does need to do bar walk into position.

Leave it to Luck has all the potential I thought it did last volume, but in practice I never felt I wanted to do it unless I had a grip of Masks.
If the opponent is reliant on Tomes I can also see using it to thwart their efforts.

Bore to Tears is great if an enemy is already slow (movement wise) or is having to rush, this can ruin their day but really this ability isn't really at it's best without Graves about.


So why have I not mentioned the Beckoners much?
Well simply I haven't had much luck with them.
Possibly it's just the strategies I've played or the positions they've been in but they have not really been worth their 7 soulstone cost to me.

Lure is great, it's range is fantastic so the Beckoners can keep away from the harm and although Ca6 isn't as powerful as the Ca8 of Rotten Belles but is usually enough to force through or have the opponent waste high cards.
Despicable Promises was where I wanted the Beckoners to shine.
10" is fairly close and well within a lot of enemies threat range, the 1/3/4 damage spread is nice but really is the tag ability to being able to hand out Brilliance, the real reason to cast this.

I fancied the idea of handing out Brilliance easily, opening up the possibility of more damage from the Illuminated being the main reason as well as unlocking Final Debt for Jacob Lynch himself.
The issue I have found, timing.

Lynch does like activating last for the extra cards, but not in a pinch, Illuminated if they have the chance also like to charge rather than be charged.
However, this means that the Beckoners would go after and handing out something which drops at the end of the turn would be mostly irrelevant.
Beckoners can keep Brilliance from dropping off but they need to be within 3". Three inches.
That is far too dangerous for Df4 models with 7 wounds. Admittedly their Don't Bite the Hand ability helps protect them, but if the enemy is attacking the Beckoners late (when the ability to cheat may be less likely) a negative flip still has a good chance of beating the poor stat.

Going first with the Beckoners is the way to do all these "brilliant" combos, but that ends up dictating some of the timing and pace, which I do not feel comfortable with.

At the end of the day, I need more games with these ladies under my belt (that kind of sounds suspect doesn't it?) but 7 soulstones has felt like a lot for a support piece.
Maybe I should only field the one rather than both to have less of that pressure.


Month 3 spending is done and Month 4 in the actual #ToMB time scale has actually passed.

With a Month 4 game under my belt and interesting direction that I have decided to plan for I hope next volume will be a good read and a good insight into where a collection can go.

Don't forget, this time we spoke a lot about Neverborn models, but this is a Ten Thunder party.

Thank you again for reading

-Ben Sime (@psientologist)


#ToMB Claw & Fang Vol.11

Plotting my Schemes

Month 4 & beyond

When we left volume 10 I had a good look at what my Marcus collection could and would do in the 5 standard Strategies to find where the gaps are.
Now all though traditionally as per the rulebook Malifaux is played by declaring a faction not a single master, a lot of people don't play this way and some tournaments are not run this way.
Add to this that although #ToMB is about the experience of collecting from scratch and you could, and probably would, expand into other master I am doing 2 separate cases to concentrate on 2 specific leaders.

All masters in Malifaux are fairly balanced with each other, there are definitely ones which can do a specific job with much ease and less thought than another, but every master has the tools at their disposal to fill gaps in their tactics.

In conclusion from last volume, the recurring theme was that I could still do with some cheaper minions, one's which were faster.
Reconnoitre was where I felt my crew was weakest, followed by Squatter's Rights.

Now it's time to go through each Scheme and see if the same trend continues:

A Line in the Sand

Scheme marker placement is key here as well as a little speed. It's always good to have the tools available for this as the scheme is always available.

Current Crew Pros

The Sabertooth can leap into position, even later being able to interact, leap, interact.
The crew has unimpeded widely available allows some markers to be placed in more "awkward" situations.
Marcus also in Hare mode can drop markers early or Alpha the big cat to place more for extra VPs.

Current Crew Cons

Relying on the Sabertooth to place markers rather than fight could cause a problem and feels expensive for the job. Especially as it is quite a glass cannon it might not want to go ahead so quickly.
Four markers also seem a lot for one cat to do, Marcus also probably has other matters to tend to.

A proposed fix

Leaping more reliably and being cheaper Silurids come to mind. Also Molemen for a much cheaper cost can use Tunneling to chain each other along the Line and quickly place markers while also being fairly resilient for their cost.


Appearing on a double means Distract does tend to show up a lot, more than the numbered schemes.
From experience a high model count helps as activating last means you are able to distract activated units therefore guaranteeing they cannot stop it. High model count is also key as Distract does need to be on two enemies to gain the victory points.

Current Crew Pros

Using metal gamin the crew can have a higher model count as such. Metal gamin also being hard to shift can keep enemies engaged and keep them distracted.
Cojo and his 3" melee can help keep people distracted and Alpha again can do some timing tricks.

Current Crew Cons

I say the crew can get a higher model count, but it currently doesn't have many tools at it's disposal for this and generally does get out activated. Meaning as well as not being good at doing the scheme it can usually allow the enemy to use the scheme easily, especially as nearly everything in the crew in close combat based.

A proposed fix

Significant minions. Cheap ones. Hoarcats, molemen, guild hounds together.


The scheme on a mask, speed is handy with this to get into position to place. Significant models again are key.

Current Crew Pros

Dat cat doe.
Also Slither on the Razorspine allows it some neat tricks. Especially as it doesn't mind meeting enemies in their deployment.
As a note here, each time the Sabertooth is good due to speed, so is Myranda as her double walking then summoning and then the leap is quicker than a Cerberus just double walking.
Speed wise the recent addition the Dawn Serpent is their and I also guess the Necromancy could use stalk to help out.
Oh and Wk8 Marcus for the win.

Current Crew Cons

Again, cats, dragons and the like are actually high cost to just place markers. Not so much an issue with Breakthrough though as this helps get in the enemies face.

A proposed fix

Not sure it needs fixing, Silurids with their leaping and hiding would be good too.


The crow. Kill the enemy leader kill it fast

Current Crew Pros

The crew is full of glass cannons perfect for the job.

Current Crew Cons

Arguably maybe not enough glass cannons or maybe I could have some cannons made of better materials?

A proposed fix

Again not sure this needs fixing either, another Cerberus would be good, tempted by the Sow for more three-headed fun.
From the non-beast side I could look at Howard Langston, this guy really can get the job done.

Protect Territory

Placing markers and holding them down. Toughness helps here and again a common scheme as it's on a Tome.

Current Crew Pros

I always like Metal Gamin for this. They can usually wander up the field unnoticed (or at least the enemy is distracted by bigger threats) and hold their ground quite well.
Again the RSR and big meow meow can use slither and leap to go place a marker somewhere in the latter turns if any fights they have had went well for them.

Current Crew Cons

I feel the current collection can handle this scheme fairly well, the one thing which could be handy again is a higher model count so that I don't get outnumbered by the enemy and denied the VP. Though that is what the fighting beasts are for I suppose.

A proposed fix

Silurids are great here too, though not as strong as in other schemes. Night Terrors are incredibly cheap and fast non-peons which also don't get taken out too easily.


The final suit scheme has you needing to keep a secretly noted non-leader henchman or enforcer alive.
This doesn't get revealed until turn 4 but smart opponents may be able to read your moves earlier than that.
Toughness is key or at least being able to keep out of harms way.

Current Crew Pros

The crew has a fair few enforcers, so there is a lot of choice in who to select which can also keep the opponent guessing.

Current Crew Cons

Glass cannons again. A lot of the big beasts hit hard but get smashed easily.
Cojo has Hard to Kill so should be a decent choice but with only 8 wounds at defense 5 he'll hit that fairly quick.
The Rogue Necromancy with 10 wounds and Impossible to Wound takes a while to kill, but at an even lower defense than Cojo it does tend to feel as just a matter of when.

A proposed fix

Keeping to just beasts, Blessed of December could be decent with a defense of 6, hard to wound and immunity to paralyzed as well being able to get wounds back.
Also let's not ignore up until now the Cerberus has been mentioned a lot with no mention of the Blessed.
The Blessed is a good Cerberus alternative, Leap with the suit built in (you need an 8+ to cast) and the ability to tear apart non-armoured enemies, this should be on the radar at all times.

Cursed Object

A bit like Distract but only one model needs to be given the object. A slight twist but similar tactics.
Look at that for the same thoughts.


One of the worse schemes to go for usually. Two small positions on the flanks as it were of the board need to be occupied by your models, but also not engaged.
This one is tough and honestly is something I will probably avoid regardless of model availability to Marcus.

Current Crew Pros

Slither. Leap. Unimpeded.
These things all help get to the flank positions quickly and two of which can escape engagement.

Current Crew Cons

Cheaper fast non-peons are probably also useful here. Again I'm not fussed about this scheme.

A proposed fix

Shits given = zero

Plant Evidence

The scheme is very similar to Breakthrough in terms of what you need to score it so mostly look at that.
Arguably the models placing the markers won't need to be as fast as they don't need to go as far.
Molemen are again catching my eye for this one.


This scheme has you picking a master or henchman to be in the enemies half of the table, preferably deployment zone by the end of the game. Speed and resilience are key

Current Crew Pros

Marcus as a hare can make a mad dash for this at almost any point, so I cannot see myself leaning on much else to do this.

Current Crew Cons

This scheme if not revealed will be obviously on Marcus as Myranda doesn't tend to be herself by the end of the game.

A proposed fix

There doesn't need to be one, I will always want the 3VP and declare anyway so bluffing is out the question.
Arcanists do have other Henchman available to them that are good at this, but I'm not sure that's needed.


Kill a dude with another dude that is cheaper than that dude. An easy VP by being first to hit the dude with your noted dude... Doesn't have to be a dude.

Current Crew Pros

Similar strengths from Assassinate fill this, on top that the expensive beasts aren't always the most expensive.

Current Crew Cons

Having varying costed hard hitters does help this scheme though, for instance Gremlins don't always have expensive models sometimes fielding 7 soulstone models as their "big piece".

A proposed fix

Hoarcats are a good comedic fix to the Gremlin issue and obviously if the scheme seems like a bad choice I may just not take it.
If I want a beast that kills but is cheaper than the cerberus I could get a Shikome.
Ranged things are nice for the quick 1VP but I am unsure what Beasts fill that gap and again, I want 3 not 1.

Plant Explosives

Place lots of scheme markers and catch your enemies models in 3" from them. A VP for each one.

Current Crew Pros

If the scheme is in the pool, Cojo is good at stopping it. Both being able to destroy markers and also engage a lot of enemies so they cannot simply just take an interact to place a scheme.
Interact, Leap, Interact with the kitty also works a treat here.

Current Crew Cons

The best things at the scheme game wise tend to be able to place the markers while not worrying about being engaged and/or do so for free (a zero action or trigger).
This crew has none of that.

A proposed fix

Other than one of the Mechanical Rider's triggers I can't think of many smart ways to do this scheme non-traditionally.
The only thing of note is again Molemen take advantage of scheme markers being about.

Make Them Suffer

The Master and Henchmen picking on little guys. Having a low minion and peon count helps as does a high Henchman.

Current Crew Pros

There are a lot of Enforcers to use, Necro, Cerberus, Cojo and a Henchman in Myranda who can all avoid giving out VP.

Current Crew Cons

Enforcers don't give points, but they also don't earn them. Also Myranda doesn't tend to be the one killing stuff meaning currently, I'm leaning on Marcus to score all 3VP

A proposed fix

If we look at Arcanists as a faction, there are some decent Henchman choices. The Captain is one I like for hitting things, Joss with minimum 3 damage is also fantastic at sweeping up minions.
However if I want a beast I have one option other than Myranda.
The Spawn Mother. Only issue here is spawning might mean the opponent can get easy points but then this does enrage and help their mummy fight back.
Spawn Mother also powers up Leap which is nice. Another model firmly on the radar.

Deliver a Message

A non-leader non-peon has a important package or maybe a back massage for your opponents master. Interact with them fast, but it takes 2 actions.

Current Crew Pros

Again Leap from the Sabertooth to (0) into position and hand over the message.
Cojo is also fine at this as he can get into combat and hopefully survive a round with Hard to Kill to at least earn the VP before his demise.

Current Crew Cons

Not enough Leap.

A proposed fix

In all seriousness if looking for other models those Silurids and the Blessed of December turn up again for Leap.
However, tricks aren't needed to get this scheme, but the Imbued Energies upgrade can help, giving fast to essentially gain nimble on quicker models can help out a lot.

Take Prisoner

I don't like this scheme at all, I could talk about looking for models which hand out paralyze a lot and go that angle, but all in all I tend not to pick it.
Take Prisoner does give you a chance to be tricksy, but I'd rather take schemes I can just score by playing properly.

Spring the Trap

Although the trap is different to the explosives, these schemes are extremely similar tactically.

Murder Protege

Kill their most expensive model. Similar statements can be made from Reckoning, Assassinate and Make them Suffer. Let's not repeat ourselves too much hey?

Frame for Murder

Name a "sucker" get that sucker killed, hopefully by their master or henchman and hopefully quickly.

Current Crew Pros

Glass cannons work out sort of well here, threatening some nasty deaths a lot of enemies way of stopping them is killing them when they have the chance. A lot of the big beasts fit this already.

Current Crew Cons

Diving into combat with a master or henchman though may mean that the enemy finishes you with a minion, figures you out and paralyzes you or even pushes away.
This however though isn't a crew specific issue in my eyes.

A proposed fix

I don't actually think this scheme is about your own crew selection, if anything your opponents probably matters more.
Don't think there is a model I want specifically for Frame, if there was it would probably be so easily telegraphed that the strategy wouldn't work anymore.

Power Ritual

The final scheme. Get some markers near the corners, pretty simple.
Again this is where we just look back at Breakthrough and Plant Evidence as they are quite similar.

Schemes Conclusion

Well Molemen turned up a lot, as did Silurids but also just speed and cheapness.
This makes me also consider Night Terrors and Malifaux Raptors highly.

Spawn Mother, Blessed and the Sow also stick in my mind with Shikome being an extra thought if I go down the Night Terror route.

All in all this has been an interesting exercise, decisions will be made but model availability is key.

Finally, there is no replacement for just playing. More games, more knowledge. That is how you get better.

On to Volume 12

Volume 12 will reveal what I decided to do with the Month 4 funds as at time of writing we are in Month 5.

I try to remember the video game theme too.

Also I got a game in with what I picked to purchase so I will give a quick run down of that.

Finally I really do hope to have some more photos next Volume, especially as MCC is drawing near they will need to be done.
That and I want to get on with turning my http://www.bendyboards.co.uk/ tray into a nice little display piece.

- Ben Sime (@Psientologist)


This Miner's got Soul(stones)

Today we have a guest post by the lovely @zacgoldenhall of @malibites
Not a "2 for 1" article but a more in depth look at particular wave 2 model.

Not a lot of wave 2 Arcanists inspired me enough to add them into my crew just yet. For the most part I'm loving the plastics enough to wait until they come out later on in glorious grey. However, there was one little bundle of joy that I really had to add to my Ramos crew, partly because I wanted to try it out, and partly because I knew I'd be happy enough to throw a second one down once the plastic is released. It's the one, the only...

Soulstone miner!

Since making and painting my little miner, I've taken every opportunity to throw it down on the table, so here's some thoughts that have come from those test runs:

Check yourself:

The miner comes down at the end of a turn. Now in a 5 turn game, you may feel like you want to throw that miner down at the end of turn one, to get the most out of those six soulstones you spent. Be careful though. Most people won't have got too far from their deployment zone, so you have much fewer options in where to place it. Waiting that extra turn or two may well give you better placement for the little fella, and help you get more out of him in the end. 

Control your opponent:

Think about what your opponent is like. Are you better off constantly reminding them that your miner is ready to come on anywhere, making them too cautious, or would it be better to keep quiet and let them over extend themselves so your little tentacle of scheme nabbing goodness can pop up unmolested. This decision will also depend on your schemes. If you've taken something that requires your miner to be free to interact then it may be better to keep shtum. If you're bluffing interact schemes when actually you're going for something else, then maybe let slip about the miner a couple of times, or wonder aloud as to where you might put him. Using the threat of an appearing soulstone miner can be a great way of seeing those points returning before he's even placed on the board.

Deployment concerns:

Bear in mind deployment types when choosing your crew. If you have close deployment this fella’s deployment options are reduced considerably, to the point where I would consider not taking him. Corner deployment, however, gives him a massive range of deployment options, and he'd almost be a must take for this and flank games, depending on the schemes of course.

Scheme and Strat:

There are some schemes and strategies in which this guy is pretty much guaranteed VPs. He's a shoe in for Stake a Claim, and brilliant at things like protect territory or power ritual. Essentially, anything that gives you VP for placing a marker somewhere specific, this guy can go net those VP's easily. Also, if the scheme pool is that bad that you're seriously considering take prisoner or outflank, he's probably the only guy that can net these reliably. You just have to decide whether holding a 6SS model for a turn 5 deployment is worth 3VP. Hint: in most cases, the answer is yes.

Well I'll stop there. I've only really experienced this guy with Ramos, and still want to get in some more games with him, so if you want to chat about how I'm wrong, or extra thoughts you've had, then hit me up on Twitter.

See you there!
Zac Evans (@zacgoldenhall)