One of the many things that makes Relic knights stand out from other games it's it's main in-game resource; Esper.
For my first blog, I am (hopefully) going to explain a little bit about it and it's importance in the game.
Let's start by breaking down what Esper is.
"Esper is the primal energy that binds everything in the universe. It is everywhere and it infuses everything."
Esper is a type of energy which is required to provide power for actions and abilities models wish to use in the game.
Esper is made up of 6 types, and each is affiliated with a particular colour and faction in game. They are as follows;
- Law (Blue) - Shattered Sword
- Essence (Yellow) - Doctrine
- Creation (Green) - Cerci Speed Circuit
- Chaos (Orange) - Star Nebula Corsairs
- Corruption (Purple) - Black Diamond
- Entropy (Red) - Noh Empire
Each of these Esper Types also belongs to one of two groups:
- Creation, Essence and Law form the Radiant Group.
- Entropy, Chaos and Corruption form the Void Group.
These groups also represent factions which can be used in game, essentially mercenaries which may be played either independently, or hired by other factions which belong to their group.
Models from each faction will tend to use primarily (though certainly not exclusively) Esper of the type affiliated with it's faction, and also commonly of the other Esper types in that Esper Group.
The Esper Deck
Esper is represented in game by a deck, consisting of 42 cards.
They are broken down as follows:
- 36 Standard cards
- 3 Void cards
- 3 Wild cards
Standard cards will have a large icon and a small icon printed on them.
Each icon will relate to an Esper type, the larger being that particular card's Primary Esper Type, the smaller being the Secondary Esper Type. A primary symbol is worth two points of that Esper type, whilst a secondary symbol is worth a single point of Esper.
There are six cards with a primary symbol for each Esper type, 3 of which will carry secondary Esper of the next colour clockwise in the colour wheel, and 3 of which will carry secondary Esper of the type denoted by the colour anti- clockwise on the colour wheel. For example;
Of the 6 cards with Creation (Green) as their primary Esper type, 3 will show Essence (Yellow) as the secondary type, and 3 will show Law (Blue) as their secondary type.
Void cards show no Esper type and have a black, solar eclipse type symbol on them. They have no Esper type and no value, they are basically useless in game.
Wild Cards show a ring of 6 icons, one for each Esper type. When played, the owner may choose which Esper type will be used, but a wild card only ever generates 1 point of Esper. As you may be able to guess, wild cards are useful, though not overpowering, being worth only as much as a secondary Esper.
Here ends my blog post for this month, hope for those of you who didn't know anything about the game this explanation has helped you to understand it a little better. Next month I will go into more detail about how Esper is actually used in the game. See you next time!
- Aaron (@forestreveries)