
#MFXTOP April Voting

Time to pick

This is a page of all the finals entries with the names of the entrant in one place.
Please have a good look over them all and then click the link to the poll at the bottom.

You don't have to have entered or do anything special to vote, just click that link, you get one vote, so use it wisely!

So in alphabetical order (by twitter handle):













































#MFXTOP April Week 5

Take Five

The first time we've had a fifth week in an #MFXTOP let's see what fruits this extra week brings?

Week 5 Entries

@Proximocoal sent me a second entry,
and all though I have made the "executive decision" to use the tots instead.
Had to show these off, great conversions for some
neat alternate bayou gremlins, plus some sweet basing!

First new entrant this week is  @Crikeymiles 
He's busted out not 3 but 4 Abominations, Levi's favourites.
The creepy green skin and glowy eyes juxtaposed
with the dark metal parts and grimey bases equal a fantastic set.

From grimey, to much more military and smart
@Terril_83 has entered a pair of Guild Guard,
the gold trim against the royal blue jackets looks great,
but let's not ignore the brilliant job on their faces too.

In a moment of stupidity I almost missed these,
thankfully I check the hashtag #MFXTOP regularly to check the buzz.
These grim dark Death Marshals, from the worn look of their coats,
to the desolate looking basing are awesome.

Now a @chasing_bacon host, @dumb_luck89,
well he's been working on some Swamp fiends.
A man after my own heart, the Pokemon reference of Magikarp to Gyarados,
this has allowed these different models to pass as unit.
I'm allowing this, so nothing against Dom, well, at least to do with the painting.

In with some new shiny Monks of Low River it's @daemonkin,
For such a quick turnaround these miniatures have come out very well.
Especially those huge blue cloaks they have.
The splash of red also is nice and helps break up the battle worn armour.

And again at the very last second,
but as I always say, totally worth it, it's @gazmania.
You may have seen his Perdita in the recent Wyrd Chronicles
and these Wastrels are that same exact (very) high standard she is.

A almost lost entry, it's @mike3838 with some sexy Archers.
I will admit here I may slightly steal his basing however,
I doubt I will be able to paint mine quite as well!

Go and Vote

Once you've done that, please don't forget to check any of the other posts I have made.
Currently I have stuck to 2 posts a week including #MFXTOP and I have plenty more prepared for the future.

Remember @ElementGames_ those fantastic people have all the new shiny Malifaux on sale now and even more to come. Plus don't forget those crystal codes!

-Ben (@psientologist -Element Games)
BEN179 if you're feeling nice while shopping at 


2 for 1 - Marcus

Top Picks to add to Marcus' Arsenal

In the second instalment of this little series of looking at the Wave 2 Malifaux release from a master to master basis and what works well with them, we're taking a look at another Arcanist and someone I have been covering a bit on my blog, the master of beasts, Marcus.

Wave 2 is monumental in size and still fairly new to most people, so this article hopefully will give you a few ideas what to be testing with your usual masters.

Warning, these are thoughts and opinions. They could be utter rubbish.


5. Spawn Mother and Gupps

Yes, I'm cheating.

As with the Silurids, the Perfect Camouflage and Silent combination is great in a Marcus crew as if you go full beasts you tend to get out-shot.

Gupps can do almost everything a Silurid can do for half the cost, their leap is shorter and does need a mask, something the Marcus' crew does oddly (for Arcanists) need a lot.
They can even become Silurids!

Spawn Mummy, she has a solid stat line and being in Arcanists could get to Def7 which is always good.

Nourish the young is great as the +2cg is meant to combine with Leap but this means it works with everyone's big cat the Sabertooth Cerberus.

All in all, she's a Henchman Beast, this opens a lot of doors and she makes even more beasts, Marcus will be happy.

4. Blessed of December

First of all Leap with the mask built in. Hoorah!

A lot of similarities with this can be drawn to the Cerberus, with not only Leap but a potential "Infinite" combat attack using Rams (but only against non-constructs).

Speaking about the combat attack Ml7 is fantastic, all the triggers have potential and the Blessed is a great combat attacker. Added to this, healing up after killing anything and Hard to Wound can keep it around for a lot longer.

Frozen Heart also has applications against crews that are dependant on Horror Duels and are heavy on Terrifying.

3. Night Terror

Going away from the more expensive model, we come to a lovely cheap beast, 3 soulstones in fact.

A low Df of 3 isn't that tough, but Hard to Kill and Incorporeal makes up for this a lot.

Attracted by Noise as well as the Blind trigger are very anti-shooting and as I said previously, this is something Marcus could do with. Letting a Hard to Kill model tie up a guy with a gun and stop him killing your RSR or Cojo is very useful.
Night Falls being similar against the more Ca heavy guys.

The only real downside to the Night Terror is that it is Insignificant however, if they were not, this game would be busted.

Borderline broken? Sounds worth taking!

2. The Sow

Can't believe I'm doing this, I have a "Gremlin" in this list.
Wait while I get a bucket to be sick in...

Now The Sow is the Gremlin faction's version of what is most definitely the best beast for Marcus to hire in wave 1, the Sabertooth Cerberus.
Three-headed is here, Terrifying too and this one is against everyone and TN12.

The Sow has the gimmick of Birthing where it can make Piglets, which let's not forget are also beasts and are just more small models to help control activations.
The spell itself uses crows, which isn't something the crew tends to use much so that's also handy.
Also Farrowing means even if The Sow is taken down, we still get two Piglets to play with.

Furious Mauling may not have the highest Ml at 5, but the 3/5/6 damage spread is awesome and it has a healing trigger. 2" reach is better than the Cerberus and on top of all of this a Cg of 9" means a decent 11" threat range even without leaping shenanigans.

Df4 is low though and my worry is The Sow can get beat down. It's just a Minion too, so no potential for upgrades for protection.

Lastly as nice little note Smell Fear is on the front of the card, usually this is an upgrade. Good stuff.

1. Rogue Necromancy

Well if I put the Gremlin's three-headed model on the list, then I had to put in the Resurrectionists.

Terrifying is here as well, but at TN13 all, even higher than The Sow.
Df4 too the same amount of wounds but with Impossible to Wound meaning the Rogue Necro should stick around longer.

Smell Fear is also here on the front of the card, so that is 4 nice ticks in boxe.

The back gets even better, like The Sow's 3/5/6 damage spread, the Rogue Necro gets that too, but at Ml7, this is nasty.
That's good enough as it is, but we get a sprinkle of poison and extra damage flips according to what triggers we'd like to cheat.

These reasons are enough to be high up the list. The reason it is top.

Acid Breath, 12" range shooting attack on a beast! This out ranges the Dawn Serpent and like the ickle dragon it comes with blasts.

It is limited to once per activation, but that is due to the 3/3 blast/4 blast spread which poisons the target.
Luckily, we have Alpha at our disposal and this means we can create ourselves a nice little gun battery.

There we are

What wave 2 models would you take in your Marcus crews?
Do you totally disagree with things on my lists?
Who would you like us to cover next?

Any feedback, please leave it in the comments or get a hold of me on twitter.
Also don't worry, I'll be banging on about Marcus again soon.

Thanks again.


-Ben (@psientologist)


#MFXTOP April Week 4

Fourth week of the fourth month

At the stage of a fourth week we would usually see a close to this theme and move on, however it's only the 22nd so we have our first fifth week (1st 5th, possibly confusing) coming up.

With another week come more awesome entries, so let's have a look at them.

Week 4 Entries

This week I'm kicking off with @chasing_bacon host @lemonconstruct
While doing stuff for his #ToMB he's got these done and
maybe a replacement entry next week.
He won't need them though, these Sorrows are great.

Next is @Derby_Malal with these Lightning Bug proxies.
Love the bright green, the awesome bases and
those glowy eyes, it all comes together.

@proximocoal come in from the side,
not only is this colour scheme fantastic looking, the yellow is great,
but I've never seen the Terror Tots in jackets and it looks ace!

Then fellow @malifools podcast member @Joel__Henry,
he also has some unique Terror Tots of his own,
these ones are made of stone, like creepy baby gargoyles.

Finally, we couldn't mention @malifools with,
well it's all about him, it's @OldManMyke with 3 unique puppets
as some stunning Marionette proxies.


I hope that everyone is still enjoying the blog as a whole as well as this fantastic competition, which really I am just the host, the community powers it.
I say this because I have used this Easter weekend to start writing more and more backlog of articles to go up.
There will hopefully (no promises) be a stage where it isn't just Tuesday and Friday updates, but even one more. The blog will get a tidy up here and there and I will endeavour to make it easier for you to find what you want on here that much quicker.

If you have any suggestions of blog posts you'd like to see me do more of, attempt to write or anything else, you can leave a comment here.

Finally don't forget @ElementGames_ either, those fantastic people have all the new shiny Malifaux on sale now, so go get some and don't forget those crystal codes (mine is BEN179 I think).

-Ben (@psientologist)


#ToMB Claw & Fang Vol. 8

#ToMB Month 3 - Wondering what the $*%& to do

**Warning: This post may contain, confusion, complaining and frustration. Be warned**

What's the matter?

I am actually enjoying #ToMB, painting wise it has actually got me back into doing it, if I take anything away from this experience it's a reminder I can paint models that look alright on the tabletop and that sometimes it still can be enjoyable.
I have taken more than just that though, learning Marcus and his crew has been heaps of fun and I can see so much potential in him...

...and in here lies my issue.
I want to continue, I have a huge pile of options in front of me, so many Beasts from all across Malifaux to explore and play with but, the models.

Off the top of my head, here is a list of models that I would like to try out with Marcus and co:

  • Molemen
  • Hoarcat Pride
  • Silurids
  • Spawn Mother
  • Dawn Serpent
  • Rogue Necromancy
  • The Sow
  • Waldgeist
  • all the Dogs
None of these as of writing are in plastic bar a single Canine Remains.
A lot of these models are also in my opinion not very nice so I lack the desire to buy them, let alone paint them.
In the case of the Swamp Fiends, I've recently sold mine off.

But the rules say...

@lemonconstuct (I believe it was him) kindly reminded me that #ToMB doesn't have to be about painting and that I can still game and record that.

This is an option that I have considered, but my problems with this are
  1. I want to finish the crew I started or I feel I have wasted 2 months painting
  2. If I am painting another crew, I will want to play that more, meaning maybe no #ToMB time
There is another option.

Start a fresh #ToMB

I could start a new #ToMB adventure, I stated online that I wish I did a Ten Thunders master so I had a massive access to plastic models, which if you still haven't noticed, that is my preference.

I am still very much considering this an option. Painting wise this will be great as I will be wanting to do things for Mei Feng anyway.
Also Ten Thunders is the faction I want to learn about the most after Arcanists.

I really don't fancy doing Misaki (though I do own her) and I have recently acquired Lucas McCabe and Jakob Lynch.

Yan Lo had my curiosity, but Shen Long has my attention. Though a lack of model there does put me off.
Even Brewmaster is on the horizon but I wouldn't choose him as a master either I don't think.

I think it's McCabe or Lynch.
Although McCabe interests me a lot, it's more the rest of his crew.
Jakob Lynch also does one my favourite things in the game, hand manipulation.

So maybe this is the plan?

My issue with this plan on top of the fact it may keep from finishing Marcus is that, first of all my real Ten Thunder love is Mei Feng, how can I abandon her?
Secondly, is that the gaming aspect isn't something I can do proper justice to without the games.

#ToMB is about learning and natural progression. Going in with $100 this month would feel like cheating.
However, I would still write an article breaking down why I would get what even without the experience.

So maybe this is the plan?

So you have your plan then?

My other idea was that I would continue #ToMB with Marcus and do another segment for the blog about painting through Ten Thunders.
Game with Marcus, paint 10T and chat about whatever.
After all I do still want to learn Mei Feng as a Ten Thunder too.

I could also hold off further, maybe month 3 I save my virtual dollars and hold out for Marcus.
However, looking at the releases Dawn Serpent is really the only thing I may get, Hoarcats are "summer".

Maybe I just do both?

The Answer...

I don't have one.

I think over the weekend I will type up a Jakob Lynch #ToMB, maybe get a game in with him.
Maybe write up a true Claw and Fang month 3 post and pick what I'd add on.

To preview those potential articles that may never happen.

Lynch would probably be.
Month 1 - Dark Debts ($10 spare)
Month 2 - Mr Tannen and Beckoners ($8 spare)
Month 3 - Mr Graves and Monks of Low River ($1 spare)

Quick thinking is month 1 box set, extend to get more control as Illuminated and Hungering Darkness are already hard hitting, month 3 gets Graves to pair with Tannen and Monks for cheap models.

Month 3 for Marcus, $39 to spend.
$15 will go on the Dawn Serpent which I may do anyway thanks to having a proxy.
The serpent adds some blast damage and some other tricks, it also serves as for a Cojo replacement.
$24 left I really would like Gupps, the issue with metal models is I assume you'll get more for your money whenever plastics happen.
Gupps over Silurids as they are only 4ss and still give me the speedy leaping.
However. I may save the $24 to get both next month, also helps with the fact Gupps can become Silurids.

Well we'll see.

Rant Over

Possibly the most pointless of posts I have made and I apologise.

However I thought I would share and as usual, leave comments or tweet me if this has brought up anything you'd like to discuss.

Would you like me to be "The Man of Two #ToMBs"?

-Ben Sime @psientologist [Listening to Bloc Party: Silent Alarm]


#MFXTOP April Week 3 & #ToMB update.

Month 4 - Week 3

Hello again folks, it's me again @Psientologist, I'm really happy that this month we seem to have a lot of fresh blood which is good and though the theme involves more models plenty of you have been up to the task.
Shall we begin?

Week 3 Entries

Let's start this week with some Stolen by @cdhay
I have to say, he's got the grimey look right down,
along with the thematic basing with that sweet steam effect.

Next is @LordGordonis
Some very tidy Witchling Stalkers with neat bases.
I like the tiny bit of green and the touch of colour in the weapons.

To round of this week @mark_wrighty
These Death Marshals are great, with spooky green "smoke",
the pine effect on the boxes, and the overall clean look.


Another miniature 90% finished for #ToMB

This photo shows off the pattern and the overall colour (spikes weren't painted).

It isn't tidy enough for my liking and also the way the Rattler folds, you can barely see the pattern.

A few things have been suggested to me about this model.
One was adding eyes, this I can agree with the reasoning (look more like Arbok, a better draw to the model) but not something I can with doing.
The other thing was maybe bone spikes, or spines I guess.
Right now they are dark grey, the photo is terrible, but I promise they are.

I worry the bone may draw away from the purple, I know the colours look great together,  but I want to keep this guy simple.

Plus at the end of the day, this model was annoying me, I just wanted it "done".

I do have a plan for my second, if I need one. A "shiny pokemon".

Catch you next time

Short one this week boys and girls.

If you miss my voice due to @TheMalibros hiatus, you can hear me make noise over on @malifools
Where this week @oldmanmyke and @joel__henry bully me and say Misaki is better than Mei Feng.
I invite you all to post in the comments why they are totally wrong... or not.

Don't forget @ElementGames_ either, those lovely chaps have a lot of new shiny Malifaux on preorder and at discount, so head there and remember those crystal codes (mine is BEN179 I think).

I'll be back soon with more #ToMB stuff where I either have decided what I'm doing with month 3 or have rage quit it all.

-Ben (@psientologist)


#ToMB Claw & Fang Vol. 7

#ToMB The End of Month 2

You win some you lose some

As it comes close to the odd final day of month 2 (17th), I thought I better get up a post about what I've done, what I've learnt and what I'm thinking about heading into month 3.

Would you like to play a game.

Overall since my last report I think I have won and lost around an equal amount of games.

In a Vassal rematch of sorts I actually lost to @clankers86 and his Gremlins, still using Wong.
This was a game where Cojo showed that he could be good but perhaps a poor move by me but he still ultimately let me down.
The strategy was Squatters Rights, I had elected to declare Line in the Sand and I also had assassinate, Pigs of all different sizes had been heading up to the line and being torn to pieces by the Cerberus, Myranda a little and the big man Marcus himself. This action was all to the right side of the centre of the screen.
Jan had Merris, a common sight in Gremlin crews, poised on a roof ready to fly in and take a marker on the left centre, however, Cojo had been Alpha'd to get essentially a movement boost but be able to flip a marker and stand between 2. This was a fight Merris couldn't really get in on.
I should also add the side note that 2 Metal Gamin (my month 2 additions) had secured the far left and right markers.
This game was all in my hands as a win, I had kept Jan off of Strategy points and was quite easily getting something if not the full amount for Line.
Eventually through the inability to draw masks this entire game, not only did the Cerberus get taken down being unable to leap, so had Myranda in Cerberus form.
Ulix, is actually a hard nut to crack, with his "Wall of Pork" and Impossible to Wound.
I had got him so low, Jan was out of stones.
A slop hauler had healed him for very little.
Cojo had a charge.
I had a decent Ram for the trigger on the Ml 7 on Rampage, it was time for Cojo to shine, I just needed a moderate.
Inevitably the positive damage flip meant little versus barely winning and fighting Impossible to Wound, I flip, it's a weak.
Ulix due to a little bit of summoning had also had activation control meaning Jan's ever patient Merris got in there.
The horde of big kat killing piglets had now flipped markers and headed off to secure Jan's Protect Territory and a game which was probably a 9-3 turned to a win for Jan.

Things learnt from this game:
  • Cojo has potential but is essentially balls. 3" reach is good and hard to kill can mean you can hold areas. Cojo's 0's have lots of power, pushing the enemy out of position or easily removing scheme markers. However, at his cost I am still not sure.
  • I need Masks! Leaping, Myranda's Hunting Call and Alpha. 2 of these can be negated by the use of stones, which has caused me to take a full cash, but is not an ideal use of them.
I also have had 2 real life games against @AaronBailey17.
Both against Resurrectionists.

First was a win for me against Nicodem. We ended up flipping Reckoning which did mean that all though I was using Month 2 stuff, the Metal Gamin (who had just been painted) stayed in the case.
Hunger Cry was a highly useful upgrade here against Hanged.
The Cerberus and then Myranda Cerberus did so much this game, when actually leaping and more scarily getting their Maul Trigger off to get extra hits in versus the enemy, the rip things to shreds.
Essentially tabling Aaron of all bar 1 miniature if I remember correctly.

Things learnt from this game:
  • God's Domain is quite poor. Now against poison the Regeneration was pretty funny, keeping Marcus alive for much longer than he should have been. The killer is not getting the Hare form from Trail. The movement is needed even if just to catch up to the crew you have been using Alpha on to push up the board. Maybe there are more situations these abilities can be good but I'm sticking to the other limited upgrade for the foreseeable future.
  • Myranda is not just another cat. First of all, she is offensive herself, plus she has her mini-alpha letting other beasts do melee attacks. She is fairly survivable, for one Def7 is great but actually, the fact people know you will sacrifice her means that they may not hit her unless they believe it will kill her. This could be the wrong way to go about things against her though, as forcing the sacrifice can be a good play at the right time.
  • Razorspine is cool. He isn't the tarpit he always wants to be, but the thing I have found through lots of games is that his Slither is a great surprise, essentially charging blindly at enemies. It's a great trick.

The one action shot I took. 
Note the built and sprayed RSR.

I also lost to him, this time was against McMourning.
A big loss due to some weird situations during the game but not taking anything from Aaron, he had me beat and I had thrown Marcus into some fights he couldn't really win.
McM being Hard to Wound with a whole bunch of wounds on his card means it takes a lot of AP to take him down. I thought between Marcus with extra AP, and an Alpha'd cat with some high Tomes for Maul would be able to do it. 
I didn't but I came close. Marcus can do minimum damage 4 which is great in this situation, but again, even with 4 AP I am not guaranteeing those 16 wounds.

Things learnt from this game:

  • People need to read their cards.
  • Marcus is hardcore but not superman, Defend Me targets are always a good thing to have about in a big slug fest.
There may have been more #ToMB games I haven't reported about, but hopefully there is a few nuggets of wisdom here.

  • Marcus; fantastic; Trail gives so much utility, Alpha is awesome with the right targets and his only real weakness is no special defensive abilities bar the Defend Me trigger.
  • Myranda; Decent even without ShapeChange insane because of it.
  • Jackalope; not always essential, bad in Reckoning good in other situations to charge little guys and and easy "defender"
  • Razorspine; can hold pieces for a limited time, but Slither is a great trick and poison is always quite nice. Nothing over powering but at 7ss a reasonable little guy.
  • Cojo; at his cost too easily compared to the far better Sabertooth Cerberus. Cojo has some good things going for him, his melee range, his (0) actions a Ml7 attack (all be it a 2AP one) and even Hard to Kill. He just is too easy to hit, doesn't have many wounds, the zeros are quite situational, oh and he is incredibly slow for a model that would like to get in there. I have used Marcus to Alpha him, but I would much rather use it on the...
  • Sabertooth Cerberus; very much a glass cannon, you do not want to get stuck in a fight without a way of leaping out, but leaping in and charging, this cat can tear so many things to pieces. Maul can also be insane and generally this is where most the "attacking power" of the Marcus crew comes from.
  • Metal Gamin; tough little buggers, cheap, resilient, your opponent had to dedicate things to kill them and not just that, but Magnetism wrecks certain crews and Metal Protection can be handy in a place holding situation.
Next I start thinking about what I will want to buy in Month 3, but before this, I'd like to do a hobby update.

Painting and that

2 Months down and I haven't got this crew finished.
I could write a load of excuse here, but it'd all be rubbish.

However, I am very close to done.
The Sabertooth Cerberus is done, you hopefully will have seen him in Wyrd Chronicles even.
I am tempted to add the feathers, tassels and bracelets (sounds quite camp I realise) that Red XIII has, but that will be at the back of the list for now.

Cojo still needs his tie and possibly a barrell, but he easily "done" otherwise.

The Metal Gamin as per last update still need some glowy fiery goodness, but like Cojo are "done".

Myranda. Well remember I was going for this:

Rainbow Mika style, well she has ended like this:

First thing I would like to say, is the photo seems to make the miniature actually look worse than in real life and I usually will always bag on my own stuff.
Myranda is 90% done, her hair needs another highlight and I need to back to her mouth and patiently paint the skin there a little nicer.
I am tempted by the hearts on the breasts but unlike the tattoos on Red, these are solid shapes and are also on a tucked away surface.
The blue is closer to R.Mika art as sort've seen here (apologies for the blurriness):

I will aim to get some better photos up, but from the back I am quite pleased with how Myranda has come out.
Just need to sort a base too.

Next is my "Raving Rabbid" 

Again, photography is killing this for me, the model looks far better with the naked eye.
Still, the Jackalope is simply in the colour scheme of the "Rabbids" of Rayman fame, the reason the head is blonde is that's what Rayman is, if not human at all.
Need to get some Tamiya clear red on this guy, but I will actually do snow first as some blood on the snow will look cool.
Not usually the biggest fan of blood all over the place, but I feel the Jackalope is screaming out for it.

Another semi successful outside painting evening, with the RSR's base in the background.

No photos, but he is fixed (mostly) as mentioned earlier, and will be ready to look like Arbok very soon!

Last thing will be Marcus.
I am still kind of stuck, I can't think how I will tie him into the mild Videogame theme, I might not even bother.

Month 3 incoming

Rapping this up I look ahead, with a weekend to go off Month 2 meaning the potential to at least get things finished and maybe the RSR done, it's all about painting Marcus month 3 and whatever I decide to add.

What will it be?

I do really want to go back to Beasts, the frustration right now for me is the lack of plastics.
I want Hoarcats and Molemen, Silurids are also high on the list too. This is only wave 1 stuff.

Molemen take a similar role to the Metal Gamin, where as the Hoarcats are a more offensive cheap minion and Silurids add some speed.

Month 3 may end up with finding a larger minion/enforcer/henchman to replace Cojo for a lot of games.
I like the idea of the Rogue Necromancy, activating it twice means it's shooting attack Acid Breath could clear away small minions easily.
It is also very comparable to the Cerberus who has always performed.
Where as the cat is a glass cannon though, the Rogue Necro is a lot more "tanky". Not as painfully slow as Cojo and even so has a shooting attack so isn't useless if left behind.
Impossible to Wound is fantastic and Terrifying (All) 13 is quite relevant too.

The other hope is the plastic Dawn Serpent is out in time, as the barrage potential from this guy is similarly tempting. You may find I decide to use my metal proxy anyway.

With $39 to spend after savings from last month. I can actually afford both.
However, maybe saving more will make for an interesting month 4.
I better keep checking those Wyrd Schedules.

Until next time

I will return with more #ToMB next week where I will have picked how to spend my dollars.
Also expect to see more #MFXTOP as usual and I will endeavour to start writing up part 2+ of "Everything you do matters".

As well as all this, I am aiming to turn "Wave 2 thoughts" which will get a better title into a mini series of looking at Wave 2 to expand Wave 1 masters.
Hopefully I can get some guest posts in for it.

If you want to volunteer, check the post I'm speaking of to see the format and message me here in the comments or over at Twitter.

Thanks again guys, let's hope we all get a lovely weekend.

-Ben (@psientologist) [Listening to the soundtracks of Grim Fandango and FTL]