
#MFXTOP April Week 4

Fourth week of the fourth month

At the stage of a fourth week we would usually see a close to this theme and move on, however it's only the 22nd so we have our first fifth week (1st 5th, possibly confusing) coming up.

With another week come more awesome entries, so let's have a look at them.

Week 4 Entries

This week I'm kicking off with @chasing_bacon host @lemonconstruct
While doing stuff for his #ToMB he's got these done and
maybe a replacement entry next week.
He won't need them though, these Sorrows are great.

Next is @Derby_Malal with these Lightning Bug proxies.
Love the bright green, the awesome bases and
those glowy eyes, it all comes together.

@proximocoal come in from the side,
not only is this colour scheme fantastic looking, the yellow is great,
but I've never seen the Terror Tots in jackets and it looks ace!

Then fellow @malifools podcast member @Joel__Henry,
he also has some unique Terror Tots of his own,
these ones are made of stone, like creepy baby gargoyles.

Finally, we couldn't mention @malifools with,
well it's all about him, it's @OldManMyke with 3 unique puppets
as some stunning Marionette proxies.


I hope that everyone is still enjoying the blog as a whole as well as this fantastic competition, which really I am just the host, the community powers it.
I say this because I have used this Easter weekend to start writing more and more backlog of articles to go up.
There will hopefully (no promises) be a stage where it isn't just Tuesday and Friday updates, but even one more. The blog will get a tidy up here and there and I will endeavour to make it easier for you to find what you want on here that much quicker.

If you have any suggestions of blog posts you'd like to see me do more of, attempt to write or anything else, you can leave a comment here.

Finally don't forget @ElementGames_ either, those fantastic people have all the new shiny Malifaux on sale now, so go get some and don't forget those crystal codes (mine is BEN179 I think).

-Ben (@psientologist)

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