
September's Curse 2015 RULES PACK


Sunday September 27th 2015.


  • Tuckton Social Club
  • Tuckton Road
  • Bournemouth
  • Dorset
  • BH6 3AA

If coming via public transport there is a train station in Christchurch which is within 20 minutes walking distance and a Train and Coach station in Bournemouth, which is further, approximately a 12 minute drive.
There is also a bus stop that drops you right in front of the venue, but please bear in mind this event is on a Sunday.

If driving the (free) parking area is to side of the hall but access is from the back.
You cannot park in front of the hall as this is for the Tesco Express.


If you are making your way over for the Saturday night meal there are plenty of places to stay close to the venue.
The Christchurch Travelodge is the closest and probably one of the cheapest options with multiple people sharing a room.
This hotel is about 20 minutes walking distance from the venue and 10 from the train station.
Saturday Night
We (the Tournament Organisers) have the venue from around 7pm in which we will be setting up tables for the next day.
People are more than welcome to come and help, hang out and maybe play some shorter board games.

(Hopefully plans about a meal)

The Sunday Main Event


  •          9:00 - 9:15* Registration
  •          9:15 - 11:05 Round 1
  •          11:15 - 13:05 Round 2
  •          Lunch Break**
  •          13:30 - 15:20 Round 3
  •          15:30 - 17:20 Round 4
  •          17:40 - 18:00*** Awards and Prizes

*the TOs will endeavour to be at the venue prior to 9:00 but this the rough time. If you are after breakfast or a coffee, come earlier, the street next to the venue has a Tesco Express and a Coffee Shop.
**Lunch is not provided. There will be some drinks and treats given out on the day and do not despair as there is a Tesco Express right next to the venue.
***The venue being a social club does mean that soon after the event the hall will be used by others.
This means could all attendees please make sure to be tidy and also please give a hand during the period between the end of Round 4 and the end ceremony. Thank you.

Conversions and Proxies

This tournament uses Gaining Grounds 2015 for a lot of rough guide lines but that is all.
Proxy models and conversions are allowed, however if you are not sure about a proxy please contact either Aaron or Ben via Twitter or the Wyrd forum with a photo just in case.

Please also bear in mind though this is competition it is meant to be fun and beginner friendly so if at all possible please bring the standard Wyrd miniature if you have an elaborate (possibly confusing) proxy.

Lastly, this event is fully painted if you are worried there is something you do not think you will have done in time or maybe do not have the Wyrd model of for your proxy, please again, contact Ben or Aaron and they may be able to lend you the model on the day.
It goes without saying that this is completely to the TOs discretion.   

The Gaming Schedule

This event is fixed faction and games will be played at 45 Soulstones

·         Round 1 - Collect the Bounty, Corner Deployment
·         Round 2 - Reconnoitre, Close Deployment
·         Round 3 - Squatter's Rights, Standard Deployment
·         Round 4 - Extraction, Flank Deployment

The times, these strategies and the schemes will all be on a sheet given to each player once they register.

Prizes and Swag

As well as every player getting party bags there will also be a “skewed raffle”.
A skewed raffle simply means that rather than random prizes getting random winners each ticket is put into a mini raffle for a prize that they want.

What this means is that if you win something in the raffle it will be something you preferred to have from what was available. Also it “gamifies” the raffle.
Would you like the prize which is worth the most? Well so will many others so your chances may be slimmer.
Fancy something smaller? Maybe only one other person does, maybe no one does!

(Photo of prize pool once collected)

Each participant will get a few raffle tickets in their swag bag.
More raffle tickets may be given out during the day by the TOs. So be helpful!

The Swag Bag will also contain:

  • a "breaching the faux" custom fate deck if you were one of the lucky first 28 people to get tickets
  • a 30mm SC15 marker to be used in game and kept as a token reminder
  • sweets, including rock sweets from Element Games
  • a bottle of water

The organisers will be giving the tickets to people who bring tables to help, come close to an award in the painting, finish their games quickly and much more.

This event also has several trophies and vouchers to spend at Element Games:

·         Full podium (first receiving £20, second £15 and third £10)
·         Two Painting awards* (awarded for Judge’s and Player's choice both also receiving a £15 voucher)

On top of that there is:

·         Wooden Spoon (for the unfortunate last place)
·         Best Team** (based on groups of three friends and their average placing, each receiving a £5 voucher)
·         Best in Faction (placed the highest with your faction, have a lovely mug)
·         Best Sportsmanship*** ( the winner will receive a tankard and some local booze)

And that is not all:

·         Midtable Mediocrity (a £5 voucher and applause goes to the most average end placing)
·         Most Travelled (we appreciate travelling is a pain, so the furthest away will be rewarded a £5 voucher)

*Painting will be picked by the Judges during the course of the day, Players wanting to put their crews up for the chance of either trophy will need leave 35+ soulstones worth of models (not including upgrades) on display with their name nearby during the lunch break.
**This tournament is still a single player event, however it the team element is encouraged for clubs and teams to get representation or start new partnerships
***Sportsmanship will be voted by the players at the end of the day writing their favourite opponents name on their sheet. Any draws will be decided by the TOs.

Player Responsibilities

Don’t be a dick.

This event is meant to a casual, fun and welcoming experience for all players regardless of whom they are.
Respect should be had for everyone and everything at the event; this includes all the players, the TOs, the venue, the models, the scenery, everything.
Eating and drinking is allowed on site but please make sure to tidy after you, rubbish bags will be provided and the TOs will be at hand. There is no excuse.
If a piece of terrain is broken, do not hide it, tell a TO.
If any of these rules are broken people will be punished where the TOs feel needed this can include being ejected from the event and may also consist of being banned from any events ran by the TOs again.
Hopefully none of this needs to be said, as we are all adults (OK big children).

What you need to bring.

·         Your crew (Fully Painted)
·         Official stat and upgrade cards
·         Tape Measure
·         Fate Deck (please insure you have a standard fate deck at hand if you use a custom one)
·         Rulebook (big or small)
·         Markers for schemes, claim and anything else you will need such as corpse and scrap markers.

We appreciate that not all models even have cards available right now and some people may not even have the book (though it should have been in UK for a month by the time of the event).

If you are playing with Wave 3 models or at least appropriate proxies please make sure you have a scan of the rules, preferably a card as flicking through books will take valuable time away from the game and simply could cause frustration.

Thanks to all the sponsors and supporters of the event

-Ben (@psientologist)