
#MFXTOP Jan'16 Winner and future themes

The Tyrant of Painting
For January 2016

@Proximocoal's Other Half Jen
with Datsue-Ba

Some beautifully impressive work here, I'm sure the quality colour scheme and free hand won over the voters with almost half of them picking this from the Elite Four.

Congratulations again to Jen and thanks to all who entered.

Moving Forwards

Starting from right now (the weekend of Feb 20th) new entries can be entered for the next theme.
Entries for this will need to be entered before March 25th.

However I have a lot of feedback saying they like to plan further ahead and would want to take part but the theme is too short notice for them.

Due to this the following will be a "MFXTOP Calendar" as such:

  • February 20th - March 25th
    • Little Monsters 
    • (a model which has a SS cost of 5 or less)
  • April 2nd - April 29th
    • Agility of the Hare Easter Bunny 
    • (a model which has a Wk of 6 or more)
  • May 7th - June 3rd
    • Could it be Magic? 
    • (a model with a Ca action)
  • June 11th - July 8th
    • Summer Ray-GUN 
    • (a model with a projectile[gun] icon)
The dates included are possibly incorrect, but give 4 weeks+ time to paint with the time gap for voting.
These dates are not set in stone but hopefully help people make some choices for what models they want to work on ahead of time.

Thanks again to everyone who has entered, voted and simply taken part.

Now go get on with those Little Monsters!

- Ben (@Psientologist)

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