
#MFXTOP February Week 3

The End is Nigh

Well the end of #MFXTOP for February at least.

Still before we start thinking about March's competition we have a load of cool entries to look at this week as we close in on next week and the voting.

Week 3 Entries

First entry in this week
@Therril_83 with this sweet Freikorps
Loving the military colours.

Next we have @Elessarion30
with Pere Ravage

Speaking of Gremlins,
we have an entry from Chris/@lemonconstuct from @chasing_bacon
But like last weeks odd circumstance we seem to have
a Wastrel?

Lastly, the award winning @Sir_Reeves
With the impossible to photo
Lucas McCabe, Logan Jones etc.

Don't forget

These additional rules were added this month:
  • You can enter a single entry each week.
  • This means, each week you can be in this, the Tuesday post.
  • By the last week (4 or 5 depending on month) you will have to decide which is your final entry
  • If you do not inform me (@psientologist use the #MFXTOP) then your last entry will be the one I use when it goes to voting.
Also, as well as the voucher for Element Games @elementgames_

We have "stretch goals"

If we hit 25 entrants I will send out something for who comes in second place.

If we beat 27 entrants (that is how many January had) I will send out prizes to second and third place.

If we get to 35 entrants, I will not only do all the above but the most entry from each faction with the most votes will receive something too!

These should achievable, I know we are far off them now.
However as a community, I can see everyone getting on it and beating the awesome amount of entries we had in January.

Also, #ToMB entrants, if you fit the theme, you can use your painting from that for #MFXTOP

Lastly we're going to be using a poll on this blog next week, so remember to check back then.


Don't be afraid to contact me on twitter, also, while on twitter check out the entrants feeds for more photos of awesome painting.

Grab your stuff from @elementgames_ I just bought myself some more basing materials. Shiny.

Oh and don't forget to listen to @malifools, @fools_daily!

-Ben (@psientologist)

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